It has four stomachs (including the rumen). Microbes in the rumen ferment feeds and produce protein. Microbes degrade protein nitrogen potentially to ammonia.
The rumen is a mobile fermentation vat. Saliva helps maintain optimum pH. Muscular rumen walls mix the contents re-inoculating the feed particles with microbes. The cud chewing process helps break up the plant fibre to speed up microbial access.
Bypass protein is protein that leaves the rumen not degraded by the microbes.
To provide additional amino acids to those provided by microbial protein to meet the required production of the cow.
A product that provides amino acids (building blocks of protein) in a ratio that when combined with microbial protein and other by-pass proteins are the most similar to the ratio in milk or meat.
Samples are placed in nylon mesh bags in the rumen of sheep or cow. Degradation is measured over time. Less degraded means better protection.
Extensive trials over many years have shown the bypass protein produced from Borregaard technology to provide consistently high levels or rumen undegraded protein (exceeding 70%), with very high levels of digestibility (exceeding 90%).
Borregaard LignoTech has an extensive network of license producers throughout the world. Send an email to the Borregaard LignoTech contact person in your region and we will inform you of your nearest producer.
The following brands are available from our licensed producers: SoyPass, a rumen protected soybean meal. RaPass, a rumen protected rape seed meal. SoyPreme, a rumen protected whole soybean, providing both protected protein and protected fat. WeiPass, a rumen protected starch. Amipro, a rumen protected soybean meal.
A selected number of license producers operating in GM-free regions are able to offer Non-GM products. Your regional Borregaard contact person will be able to inform you of availability,
Non-enzymatic browning is a chemical process that produces a brown colour in foods without the activity of enzymes. The two main forms of non-enzymatic browning are caramelization and the Maillard reaction. Both vary in reaction rate as a function of water activity. The reaction adopted by Borregaard is the Maillard reaction, a chemical reaction between an amino acid and a reducing sugar, usually requiring the addition of heat. The sugar interacts with the amino acid, producing a sweet odour and caramel flavour.
Two mechanisms are proposed. In the first mechanism it is the polymer itself which reacts with the protein or carbohydrate to form covalent methylene bridges between the polymer and the protein/carbohydrate, Figure 1. In the reverse reaction the NHR amine is protonated and then displaced by water. ART - Fig 1 Figure .1 Proposed reaction mechanism for formation of urea formaldehyde polymer, R= acylamine, and for reaction with free amine in protein, R= protein. The same mechanism is valid with hydroxyl and sulphide nucleophiles. The terminal ends of the urea formaldehyde polymer can be regarded as masked aldehydes, and will be reactive towards nucleophiles like amine (from protein), hydroxyl (from carbohydrates) or sulphides (from protein). The mean molecular weight of the urea formaldehyde polymer and the degree of branching is not known. In the second proposed mechanism urea formaldehyde acts as a reservoir for formaldehyde. The conditions in the formulation of protein with the polymer , alters the equilibrium to favour depolymerising to give urea and formaldehyde, which can in turn react with a suitable nucleophile. Figure 2 gives the proposed mechanism for the formation of the urea formaldehyde polymer. ART - Fig 2 Figure 2 Proposed mechanism for the formation of urea formaldehyde polymer, and depolymerisation in reverse. Depolymerisation is probably caused by protonation of amine by the hydroxyl group and subsequent loss of formaldehyde.
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When you have problems reaching your quality goals and/or desired throughput.
Lignosulphonates are approved by the AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Officials) as a source of metabolisable energy in animal feeds. (See: Poultry Sci. 47:592-597)
Unlike clay-based binders, lignin-based products do not strongly adsorb medications. Hence, lignin-based products can be used with medicated feeds. (Ref.: International Journal of Poultry Science 1:13-15.)
Yes, PellTech and Intact Aqua are used as a processing aids in the production of shrimp pellets. Our other pellet binders are used in fish feeds.
Yes, our products are palatable and used in feeds for all species.
Our pelleting aids have been safely used in millions of tonnes of animal feed around the world since the 1960ies.
No, they don't contain melamines, hormones, growth promoters, medicines (including antibiotics), salmonella or other ingredients forbidden for feeding animals.
SoftAcid is a patented mixture of organic acids and modified and functionalised lignosulphonic acid, which moderates the aggressiveness of the organic acids, hence the name Soft.
It is a Biopolymer from wood.
Adding a few per cent of lignosulphonic acid to strong acids clearly reduces the corrosion of the mixture relative to the pure acids. Lignosulphonic acid is a surface active compound that will adsorb onto many surfaces. The negatively charged lignosulphonic acid will readily adsorb onto positively charged surfaces. In the presence of divalent or trivalent cations lignosulphonic acid will also adsorb onto negatively charged surfaces. The cations can be supplied from the oxide layer covering many metal surfaces. (B. O. Myrvold, Journal of Power Sources, 117 (2003) 187-202). Lignosulphonic acid adsorbed to the surface might form a physical barrier that prevents the acid from reaching the surface, and thus reduces the corrosion. The high molecular weight lignosulphonic acid will not penetrate skin. Also on skin it might thus form a barrier.
It is absolutely not a buffer. Corrosivity of the pure organic acids is reduced by adding another acid, lignosulphonic acid. Hence, SoftAcid has a very low pH and thus is very effective
SoftAcid can remove the biofilm from your pipes. It is the only product on the market that can both clean pipes from the biofilm and acidify your drinking water to secure the animal digestive tracts.
Probiotics are usually very efficient under ideal conditions. However, as soon as the dry matter is out of range or if the weather is not good, probiotics will not work. With SoftAcid, it comes down to chemistry - and you will always get what you pay for.
No, most SoftAcid products are classified as irritant, and thus are not dangerous. Pure organic acids are classified as corrosive.
Formaldehyde is a dangerous and carcinogenic product. In a number of trials in Spain and Brazil we have shown that SoftAcid can replace formaldehyde without any loss of efficiency.
In animal feed from 2 Kg/T (broiler, layers, pig finishers) to 6Kg/T (piglets). In drinking water, a pH of 3,8 is a common target. This is generally achieved with 0,05 to 0,2% of SoftAcid. For silage preservation, around 5kg/T is used in most countries For grain preservation, SoftAcid is normally dosed at 1 to 2kg/T